[Cuis-dev] Why not to save the image?

Hilaire Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Sat Jul 29 08:17:00 PDT 2023

You are right, the sentence in the book could be tempered. It is ok the 
save the image, we all do that. But from time to time, depending on the 
time spent working in the image, it is safer to reload from fresh, to be 
sure your code still work on a fresh image.  I can keep image one or two 
weeks, but I am a casual developer.

Le 29/07/2023 à 13:42, Szabolcs Komáromi via Cuis-dev a écrit :
> Thanks for the explanation! Maybe just me, but without the explanation 
> this advice of the book felt like a commandment. Thou shalt not to 
> save the image. ;-)

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