[Cuis-dev] Changeset: Improve PackageInstaller by using text attributes
Mariano Montone
marianomontone at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 16:27:39 PDT 2023
I attach a changeset that improves the package description in
PackageInstaller by using Text attributes.
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'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5867] on 19 June 2023 at 8:21:51 pm'!
!PackageInstallerWindow methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'MM 6/19/2023 20:19:15'!
descriptionOfPackage: aPackage
^ Text streamContents: [ :s |
s nextPutAll: (Text string: 'Code Package File: ' attribute: TextEmphasis bold).
s nextPutAll: aPackage fullName; newLine; newLine.
s nextPutAll: (Text string: 'Provides: ' attribute: TextEmphasis bold).
aPackage provides printDetailsOn: s.
s newLine; newLine.
aPackage requires ifNotEmpty: [ :requirements |
s nextPutAll: (Text string: 'Requires: ' attribute: TextEmphasis bold).
(requirements sorted: [:a :b | a name < b name]) do: [ :req |
s newLine; space.
req printDetailsOn: s ].
s newLine ].
s newLine.
aPackage sourceSystem ifNotEmpty: [:sourceSystem |
s nextPutAll: sourceSystem; newLine; newLine ]]! !
!PackageInstallerWindow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'MM 6/19/2023 20:16:07'!
| package |
package := self selectedPackage.
package ifNil: [^''].
^ Text streamContents: [:s |
s nextPutAll: (Text string: package packageName attribute: TextEmphasis bold).
s newLine; newLine.
package packageDescription ifNotEmpty: [:description |
s nextPutAll: description.
s newLine; newLine].
s nextPutAll: (self descriptionOfPackage: package)]! !
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