[Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Accept for Workspaces

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Thu Mar 16 04:45:12 PDT 2023

Hi all, Hi Juan,

I found it a bit annoying ever since I used Cuis, that I can't accept 
the contents of a workspace. (This even worked in Smalltalk/V for MS-DOS 
back in 1986).

Please find a simple three method change-set attached,
that fixes this problem.

If you don't like the "forceSaveContents" stuff you
can define TextModel>>#acceptContentsFrom: like this:

acceptContentsFrom: aTextModelMorph

	aTextModelMorph owningWindow ifNotNil: [ :ow |
		ow hasSaveAs ifTrue: [ ow saveContents ] ]

and make it use the existing saveAs logic in SystemWindow.

HTH and Best Regards,

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