[Cuis-dev] TheCuisBook : Daily Workflow : windows not deleted

Alexandre Rousseau yalexr at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 23:05:36 PDT 2023

Following TheCuisBook's Daily Workflow page (
https://cuis-smalltalk.github.io/TheCuisBook/Daily-Workflow.html),  and
launching Squeak+Cuis (latest image) from the command line (macOS 13.0.1)

> [Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev (master)]$ ../Squeak.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak
> Cuis6.0-5686.image -s ../setUpEnvironment.st

2023-03-18 14:52:06.130 Squeak[16153:9160579] Warning: Expected min height
> of view: (<NSButton: 0x7f9116114120>) to be less than or equal to 30 but
> got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in
> violation.

where setUpEnvironment.st contents are:

> | list morph |

"Delete all windows but the taskbar"
> list := UISupervisor ui submorphs reject: [:aMorph | aMorph is:
> #TaskbarMorph].
> list do: [:each | each delete].

"Change to Dark theme"
> Feature require: #'Theme-Themes'.
> DarkTheme beCurrent.
> "Adjust font size"
> Preferences smallFonts.
> "Adjust taskbar size"
> morph := UISupervisor ui submorphs first.
> morph scale: 1 / 2.
> Display fullScreenMode: true.
> self runningWorld doOneCycle.

results in a successful changing of the theme but *does not delete** the
> default About Cuis and Transcript windows* that were set up to open by
> default at the launching of the image*.*

Did I miss something obvious?
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