[Cuis-dev] TheCuisBook > Daily Workflow example code issues
Hilaire Fernandes
hfern at free.fr
Sun Mar 19 08:39:58 PDT 2023
It is likely the Preferences error was causing a compilation error, so
the script can't be executed.
Check out the attached scripts because it works for me.
GNU Dr. Geo
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| list area morph extent |
"Report by any mean error"
showOnDisplay: false;
logToFile: true;
logToStdout: true.
"Smalltalk at: #LogStartupDebugAids put: true."
"Install change set"
ChangeSet installNewUpdates.
"System configurations"
Utilities setAuthorName: 'Hilaire Fernandes' initials: 'hlsf'.
Preferences at: #logDebuggerStackToFile put: true.
Preferences at: #autoNumberUserChanges put: false.
"Install DrGeo code"
Feature require: #'DrGeo'.
Feature require: #'DrGeoFrench'.
"Delete all windows but the taskbar"
self runningWorld doOneCycleNow.
list := UISupervisor ui submorphs reject: [:aMorph | aMorph is: #TaskbarMorph].
list do: [:each | each delete].
"Adjust font size"
Preferences at: #guiElementsSize put: #smallFonts.
"Adjust taskbar size"
morph := UISupervisor ui taskbar.
morph scale: 1/2.
Display fullScreenMode: true.
self runningWorld doOneCycleNow.
"Compute the available free space for windows placement"
area _ RealEstateAgent maximumUsableArea extendBy: 0 @ morph morphHeight negated.
extent _ area extent // 2.
"Open a few System Browsers"
BrowserWindow openBrowser
morphPosition: 0 at 0;
morphExtent: extent.
BrowserWindow openBrowser
morphPosition: area width // 2 @ 0;
morphExtent: extent.
"Open a System Browser on a specific class"
morph _ BrowserWindow openBrowser
morphPosition: area extent // 2;
morphExtent: extent.
morph model setClass: (Smalltalk at: #DrGeo) selector: nil.
"Open a Workspace with some default contents"
morph _ Workspace openWorkspace.
morph model actualContents: 'ChangeSet installNewUpdates.
DrGeoSystem beDevelopment.
DrGeoSystem beWorkstation.
DrGeo new.
NaturalLanguageTranslator privateStartUp .
TextDomainManager registerCategoryPrefix: ''DrGeo'' domain: ''drgeo''.
TextDomainManager allKnownDomains.
DrGSmalltalkSketchBrowser open: DrGeoSystem smalltalkSketchesPath label: ''Browse''.
DrGSmalltalkSketchEditor open: ''DrGeoSketch new'' label: ''Edit Smalltalk Sketch''.
PreferenceBrowser open: DrGeoSystem preferences label: ''Dr. Geo Preferences''.
Smalltalk browseAllSelect: [:m| m pragmas anySatisfy: [:p | p key = #drgeosettings]].
GetTextExporter exportTemplate.'.
morphPosition: 0 @ (area height // 2);
morphExtent: extent x @ (2 / 3 * extent y).
"Open a transcript for logs"
TranscriptWindow openTranscript
morphPosition: 0 @ (area height // 2 + (2 / 3 * extent y));
morphExtent: extent x @ (1 / 3 * extent y ).
Smalltalk saveImage
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