[Cuis-dev] Some enhancements
Luciano Notarfrancesco
luchiano at gmail.com
Wed May 24 09:13:46 PDT 2023
Here's some changes for your consideration.
1) Updated the commands to enter unicode characters with \;
2) Added cmd-A shortcut to deselect all in the change list (analogous to
cmd-a for select all);
3) Sort the messages in the browser message list with binary messages at
the top;
4) Reworked the test runner.
The biggest change is the last one. I simplified the test runner window,
added shortcuts for everything (cmd-a/A for select/deselect all, cmd-r for
run, cmd-o for run one, cmd-l for canceling a run, etc), and fixed
redrawing/update problems and some other bugs. Now the lists of error and
failing tests are updated while the tests are running, and clicking on an
item from those lists stops the current run and debugs the item immediately.
I use the test runner a lot, I run 5k tests on my project every time I
change anything and it takes some minutes. I think these changes make the
test runner more useful and less painful, let me know what you think.
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