[Cuis-dev] Browse category of current method

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Thu May 25 09:17:34 PDT 2023


sometimes when exploring a class, I usually go through the '--all--' 
category, looking for some method I'm interested in.

But then I miss the ability to select and explore the category of the 
method I'm in.

This implements a 'browse method category' menu item that gives me that.

Let me know if you think this is good for inclusion into Cuis or not.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5810] on 25 May 2023 at 1:08:15 pm'!

!BrowserWindow methodsFor: 'menu commands' stamp: 'MM 5/25/2023 12:57:34'!

	model categoryOfCurrentMethod ifNotNil: [:category| |catIndex|
		catIndex := model classOrMetaClassOrganizer categories indexOf: category.
		model messageCategoryListIndex: catIndex + 1]! !

!BrowserWindow methodsFor: 'keyboard shortcuts' stamp: 'MM 5/25/2023 13:05:51'!
messageListKey: aChar from: view
	"Respond to a Command key.  I am a model with a code pane, and I also
	have a listView that has a list of methods.  The view knows how to get
	the list and selection."

	| sel |
	sel := model selectedMessageName.
		ifNotNil: [
			"The following require a method selection"
			aChar = $c ifTrue: [ ^ self browseCategoryOfCurrentMethod ].
			aChar = $R ifTrue: [^ self renameSelector].
			aChar = $U ifTrue: [^ self addParameter ].
			aChar = $I ifTrue: [^ self removeParameter ].
			aChar = $3 ifTrue: [^ self inlineMethod ]].
	super messageListKey: aChar from: view! !

!BrowserWindow class methodsFor: 'browser menues' stamp: 'MM 5/25/2023 12:44:22'!
				#itemGroup 			-> 		10.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'what to show...'.
				#selector 			-> 		#offerWhatToShowMenu.
				#icon 			-> 		#preferencesIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		10.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		20.
				#label 			-> 		'toggle break on entry'.
				#object 			-> 		#model.
				#selector 			-> 		#toggleBreakOnEntry.
				#icon 			-> 		#debugIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		20.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'browse full (b)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseMethodFull.
				#icon 			-> 		#editFindReplaceIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		20.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		20.
				#label 			-> 		'browse hierarchy (h)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseHierarchy.
				#icon 			-> 		#goTopIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		20.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		30.
				#label 			-> 		'browse method (O)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#openSingleMessageBrowser.
				#icon 			-> 		#scriptIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		20.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		40.
				#label 			-> 		'browse protocol (p)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseFullProtocol.
				#icon 			-> 		#spreadsheetIcon
			} asDictionary.
			{	#itemGroup  -> 20.
				#itemOrder  -> 50.
				#label            -> 'browse method category (c)'.
				#selector       -> #browseCategoryOfCurrentMethod.
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		30.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'fileOut'.
				#object 			-> 		#model.
				#selector 			-> 		#fileOutMessage.
				#icon 			-> 		#fileOutIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		30.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		20.
				#label 			-> 		'inspect CompiledMethod'.
				#object 			-> 		#model.
				#selector 			-> 		#inspectCompiledMethod.
				#icon 			-> 		#exploreIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		40.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'senders of... (n)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseSendersOfMessages.
				#icon 			-> 		#mailForwardIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		40.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		20.
				#label 			-> 		'implementors of... (m)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseMessages.
				#icon 			-> 		#developmentIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		40.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		30.
				#label 			-> 		'inheritance (i)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#methodInheritance.
				#icon 			-> 		#goDownIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		40.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		40.
				#label 			-> 		'versions (v)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseVersions.
				#icon 			-> 		#clockIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		50.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'inst var refs...'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseInstVarRefs.
				#icon 			-> 		#instanceIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		50.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		20.
				#label 			-> 		'inst var defs...'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseInstVarDefs.
				#icon 			-> 		#instanceIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		50.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		30.
				#label 			-> 		'class var refs...'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseClassVarRefs.
				#icon 			-> 		#classIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		50.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		40.
				#label 			-> 		'class variables'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseClassVariables.
				#icon 			-> 		#classIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		50.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		50.
				#label 			-> 		'class refs (N)'.
				#selector 			-> 		#browseClassRefs.
				#icon 			-> 		#classIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		60.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'remove method (x)'.
				#object 			-> 		#model.
				#selector 			-> 		#removeMessage.
				#icon 			-> 		#deleteIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		60.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		20.
				#label 			-> 		'run test (t)'.
				#object 			-> 		#model.
				#selector 			-> 		#runMethodTest.
				#icon 			-> 		#weatherFewCloudsIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		60.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		30.
				#label 			-> 		'debug test (r)'.
				#object 			-> 		#model.
				#selector 			-> 		#debugMethodTest.
				#icon 			-> 		#weatherFewCloudsIcon
			} asDictionary.
				#itemGroup 			-> 		70.
				#itemOrder 			-> 		10.
				#label 			-> 		'more...'.
				#selector 			-> 		#openMessageListMenu2.
				#icon 			-> 		#listAddIcon
			} asDictionary.
	! !

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