[Cuis-dev] Button color tweaks
Juan Vuletich
juan at cuis.st
Mon May 29 09:59:06 PDT 2023
Hi Luciano,
On 5/26/2023 4:56 PM, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Sorry, this method on top of that looks a little better, I think.
> On Sat, May 27, 2023 at 3:42 AM Luciano Notarfrancesco
> <luchiano at gmail.com <mailto:luchiano at gmail.com>> wrote:
> The button rows (the LayoutMorphs that own the buttons) have the
> same color, so the buttons are kind of invisible and they look
> like undifferentiated strings in a row. This change set tweaks
> their colors so that the row where they live correctly adopts the
> widget color for their window (instead of the button color from
> the theme), and the buttons are colored better for their different
> states (enabled/disabled, presed, and highlighted on mouse over).
> I guess LayoutMorph>>#adoptWidgetColor: using the theme button
> color was a bug, but I'm not sure, maybe there's some logic behind
> it.
The idea is that buttons only "pop" when you mouse over them. I think
this gives Cuis a less "busy" look, without all those buttons calling
for your attention. I think that a look where every button has well
defined bounds (either for having a border, or a different color than
background) is reasonable too, and may mean another Theme.
The attach, intended to be loaded after your code, goes back to that
"discreet" button look. It also adds a bit more contrast on mouse over,
so buttons really pop when hovered.
> Also, I don't know if we still need the instance variable
> doAdoptWidgetColor, it seems hacky, maybe we can remove all that
> and let them always adopt the widget color?
Folks, to see the different, hack #doAdoptWidgetsColor to always assign
false, and see how stuff look. I think we could remove the ivar, and
make the 'true' behavior the only one. Anyone against this?
> Let me know what you think.
> Luciano
Juan Vuletich
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