[Cuis-dev] Toggleable halos debugging aids

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Tue May 30 06:54:01 PDT 2023


the current halos display code starts with this commented code for 
"Debugging aids":

HaloMorph>>drawOn: aCanvas

     | b |
     target ifNil: [^super drawOn: aCanvas].

    "Debugging aid"
         fillRectangle: haloBox
         color: (Color red alpha: 0.2).
         fillRectangle: self morphLocalBounds
         color: (Color gray alpha: 0.4)."

I find that commented code useful as I often want to visualize the halos 
morph bounds when developing GUI.

So, I would like to make that commented code toggleable.

I attach an implementation that uses Preferences to toggle halo's 
debugging aids.

I don't care much about being done my way, but being done in some way (I 
struggled with the name of preferences, or perhaps you prefer to do this 
in a completely different way.)

What do you think?


-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5832] on 30 May 2023 at 10:41:16 am'!

!PreferenceSet class methodsFor: 'sys preference' stamp: 'MM 5/30/2023 10:35:14'!
" Preference value defined with closure. We could insert in a dynamic array...
  Preference with event handler "
	self sysPreferences

		name: #haloHandleSize 
		category: #gui 
		value: [(Preferences at: #standardListFont) pointSize * 5 // 3 max: 16];
		name: #halosMorphBoundsFrameColor
		description: 'When set, use this color for a rectangle on halos morph bounds. Useful for debugging morph sizes.' 
		category: #gui 
		type: Object "Using Object as type as the property value can be either nil or a Color."
		value: nil;
		name: #halosMorphBoundsFillColor
		description: 'When set, use this color for filling a rectangle on halos morph bounds. Useful for debugging morph sizes.'
		category: #gui
		type: Object "Using Object as type as the property value can be either nil or a Color."
		value: nil;
		name: #roundedButtonRadius 	
		category: #gui 
		value: [(Preferences at: #standardListFont) pointSize * 8 // 14];
		name: #roundedWindowRadius 	
		category: #gui 
		value: [(Preferences at: #standardListFont) pointSize] ;
		name: #scrollbarThickness 
		category: #gui 		
		value: [(Preferences at: #windowTitleFont) pointSize + 2];
		name: #classFinder 
		category: #programming 
		value: [ BrowserWindow findClass ];
		name: #defaultAuthorName 
		category: #programming 
		value: [Utilities authorName];
		name: #worldMenu
		category: #system
		value: TheWorldMenu ! !

!HaloMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'MM 5/30/2023 10:37:04'!
drawOn: aCanvas 

	| b |
	target ifNil: [^super drawOn: aCanvas].
	"For debugging halos' morph bounds visually."
	"Fill the bounds of halo's morph."
	"To activate: Preferences at: #halosMorphBoundsFillColor put: (Color blue alpha: 0.2)"
	(Preferences at: #halosMorphBoundsFillColor) ifNotNil: [:fillColor |
			fillRectangle: self morphLocalBounds
			color: fillColor].
	"Draw a frame over halos morph bounds."
	"To activate: Preferences at: #halosMorphBoundsFrameColor put: Color blue."
	(Preferences at: #halosMorphBoundsFrameColor) ifNotNil: [:frameColor |
		aCanvas frameRectangle: self morphLocalBounds 
			borderWidth: 1 
			color: frameColor].
	target haloShowsCoordinateSystem ifTrue: [
		target displayFullBounds ifNotNil: [ :fb |
			aCanvas privateFrameGlobalRect: fb borderWidth: 3 color: `Color black alpha: 0.1`.
			b := target displayBounds.
			b = fb ifFalse: [
				aCanvas privateFrameGlobalRect: b borderWidth: 3 color: `Color black alpha: 0.1` ].
			self drawCoordinateSystemOn: aCanvas ]].! !

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