[Cuis-dev] Smalltalk 2023 event - Buenos Aires

Juan Vuletich juan at cuis.st
Thu Oct 26 05:54:10 PDT 2023

Hi Hilaire,

On 10/25/2023 4:09 PM, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> Great.
> Regarding the Camps I have done a great part of the 3., I will need it 
> anyway for the workshop Friday afternoon.
> I wrote a template CuisApp to illustrate a few techniques useful for 
> someone willing to develop a full featured Cuis application.
> http://github.com/hilaire/CuisApp.

Cool! Count on me on any problem you find while preparing the material.

> Regarding the presentations during the event, I am curious to know 
> which one are related to Cuis-Smalltalk 
> (https://smalltalks2023.fast.org.ar/schedule)
> I was able to identify:
>     * Monday 9:30 Inferring Generic Types for Collections using LiveTyping
>     * Wednesday 10:00 Revisiting the Dynabook concept
>     * Wednesday 14:00 Cuis Refactoring: Status Update
>     * Tuesday 11:00 Kids programming with Smalltalk
>     * Friday 9:30 Creating Minimal Images from Scratch
>     * Friday 14:30 DynamicCuisLibrary: a lightweight,
>       platform-independent framework for sharing Smalltalk code
>     * Friday 16:00 Develop end user GUI application with Cuis
> I am sure there are other, which one?

Yes. Agustín Martínez's
- Monday 14:30 Testing a new programming approach with 11 and 12 
year-old children
Not about Cuis, but the environment is done in Cuis

> Hilaire
> Le 25/10/2023 à 17:24, Juan Vuletich a écrit :
>> Hi Hilaire!
>> This is wonderful news! We'll all have a great time!
>> I'll be there the whole week. I don't really know how the 
>> CampSmalltalk will be organized, but I'll be there too.
>> Cheers,
> -- 
> GNU Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu
> http://blog.drgeo.eu


Juan Vuletich

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