[Cuis-dev] custom morph with fixed size

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Mon Aug 12 16:38:04 PDT 2024

On 2024-08-12 15:13, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev wrote:

> See the attached screenshot. Hard as I try, I haven't been able to 
> figure out why the two red squares are different sizes. They are 
> instances of a custom morph named PlaceholderMorph.

PlaceHolderMorph inherits from PlacedMorph, which supplies a default 
LayoutSpec which scales to the space available.

	"Layout specific. Return the layout spec describing where the
	receiver should appear in a proportional layout"

	layoutSpec ifNotNil: [ :ls | ^ ls ].
	layoutSpec := LayoutSpec useAll.
	layoutSpec morph: self.

	^ layoutSpec

Resizing the outer, containing LayoutMorph demonstrates this.

The LabelMorphs and PluggableButtonMorphs have default LayoutSpecs which 
use the original morphExtent, so they are not scaled.

Using UI-MetaProperties to view the LayoutSpecs of various morphs and 
play with their properties, then dynamically resizing the containing 
LayoutMorph should sharpen your intuitions about what to expect.


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