[Cuis-dev] Find with Scope

Hilaire Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Sun Dec 29 02:31:34 PST 2024

This is useful, thanks. Some features, need to be documented thought 
(where?) when I read this method below. I did not find how to use the 
Shift or Ctrl alternatives. Pressing on of those prevent the search to 

browseMethodsWithSourceString: aString
scopeClass: scopeClass
includeSubclasses: includeSubclasses
includeSuperclasses: includeSuperclasses
     "Smalltalk browseMethodsWithSourceString: 'SourceString' "
     "Launch a browser on all methods whose source code contains aString as a substring."

     | caseSensitive suffix selectString |
     Sensor controlKeyPressed ifTrue: [
         selectString := ((aString findTokens: '*') sorted: [ :a :b | a size > b size ]) first.
         ^ self
             browseMessageList: (self allMethodsSourceStringMatching: '*', aString, '*')
             name: 'Methods matched by ' , aString printString , ' (no ctrl for exact match)'
             autoHighlight: selectString
             allOccurrences: true
    *suffix := (caseSensitive := Sensor shiftPressed)         ifTrue: [' 
(case-sensitive. Use ctrl for $* pattern match.)']         ifFalse: [' 
(shift for case-sensitive. ctrl for $* pattern match.)'].*
     ^ self
         browseMessageList: (self allMethodsWithSourceString: aString matchCase: caseSensitive scopeClass: scopeClass includeSubclasses: includeSubclasses includeSuperclasses: includeSuperclasses)
         name: 'Methods containing ' , aString printString , suffix
         autoHighlight: aString
         allOccurrences: true.

Le 25/11/2024 à 19:47, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev a écrit :
> I recently replaced the 'Method Source with it' menu option in 
> Smalltalk Editors with the new 'Find with Scope' option by Jon 
> Raiford. I'm sure it is more convenient and useful. Please try it and 
> share your thoughts.
> I have also been doing other tweaks to improve usability, for instance 
> 'browse package' on all four lists in the Browser, and minor tweaks 
> here and there. Feedback is most welcome as usual.

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