[Cuis-dev] DateAndTime

Markus Böhm markus.boehm at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 05:52:54 PDT 2024

Hello all, Cuis Smalltalk is a wonderful language/environment. May I ask:
I use Cuis7.1-6507 and want to create a DateAndTime for a given year,
dayOfYear, offset representing the beginning of that day.
In the workspace the following works (with offset from local machine).
DateAndTime year: 2024 day: 199
The following seems to be correct but leads to "MessageNotUnderstood:
Duration>>truncated":. :
DateAndTime year: 2024 day: 199 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 offset: 2.

Any advice (or could You doublecheck)? BR Markus
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