[Cuis-dev] learning about fonts

Hilaire Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Sat Jul 20 13:52:51 PDT 2024

Things to explore, code extracted from DrGeo:

TrueTypeFontFamily readTrueTypeFontEntry: self fontPath // languageFont 
PreferenceSet setDefaultFont: languageFont family.
Preferences at: #defaultFontSize put: 12.

PreferenceSet setDefaultFont: 'DejaVu Sans'.
Preferences at: #defaultFontSize put: 11.

fontOfSize: anInteger
     ^ FontFamily defaultFamilyPointSize: (Theme current scale: anInteger)

You will have to fill the hole and experiment. I have not explored much 
font usage beside these code snippet.

Try loading a font, then from the inspector find how to change its size. 
There are clues in Ken message.


Le 20/07/2024 à 19:55, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev a écrit :
> Thanks Ken!
> Is there a shorter way to just get the "default" font?
> On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 12:39 PM <ken.dickey at whidbey.com> wrote:
>     On 2024-07-20 10:30, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev wrote:
>     > - get a list of all the installed fonts
>     > - get an instance of a given font with a specific point size
>     >
>     > Can someone share how to do those?
>     Sure.  The UI-MetaProperties package -- soon to be renamed
>     UI-VisualMetaProperties has code to "edit" a font.
>     The code (copied below) first sets a font and then its size.
>     I suspect you can further unravel from this thread..  ;^)
>             props at: #acceptsFont
>                         put: (MetaProperty
>                                     kind: AbstractFont
>                                     editProc: [ :morph :metaProp
>     :menuItem |
>                                             | oldFont fontFamily
>     fontSize newFont |
>                                             oldFont := menuItem
>     propertyValue.
>                                             fontSize := oldFont pointSize.
>                                             fontFamily := FontFamily
>     promptUser.
>                                             fontSize := FontFamily
>     promptUserForSize: fontSize fontFamily:
>     fontFamily.
>                                             newFont := fontFamily
>     atPointSize: fontSize.
>                                             newFont ifNotNil: [ :f |
>     menuItem propertyValue: f. morph
>     redrawNeeded ] ]  ).
>     Good on ya,
>     -KenD
> -- 
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
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