[Cuis-dev] Upcoming 7.0 release. Please review / test your favorite packages!

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Sat Jun 8 06:27:38 PDT 2024

On Wed, 05 Jun 2024 15:55:47 -0300
Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> In today's community meeting we talked about the release of Cuis 7.0, 
> and how to help users find the correct versions of code packages for
> it. So, let's get this going!
> The 7.0 stable release of Cuis is really close now. Current state of
> the Rolling Release, #6451 is most likely what it will based on. I'm,
> right now, reviewing the packages to be included in the Cuis7-0 repo,
> for sanity.
> This is the perfect time to test the packages you want to have tagged
> as "Compatible with Cuis 7.0 Stable". So, please do it. If the
> packages you review have some issues, please fix them or report them.
> If you find problems in the base image, please report them ASAP, so I
> can address them prior to the release.
> Thanks!

Hi all, Hi Juan,
thanks for your effort!

Cuis 7.0 version 6452 works nicely with Haver.

Haver now has three branches.
One based on some revision of the old Cuis 6.x rolling release,
purely for internal purposes.
Another one based on Cuis 7.0, which I just tested successfully.
A third one, based on the Cuis 7.x rolling release.
I will keep both of the later branches up to date.

Best Regards,


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