[Cuis-dev] Another puzzle

Andres Valloud ten at smallinteger.com
Thu Jun 13 16:12:35 PDT 2024

Hello, continuing with the puzzling behavior, here's one from a book 
signature I got back in the year 1999 or so.

a := Array new: 2.
a at: 1 put: #perform:withArguments:.
a at: 2 put: a.
a perform: (a at: 1) withArguments: (a at: 2)

Currently this expression crashes the VM.  Eem... the person that signed 
that in my book is well aware of this example :p.

Even if this doesn't crash, you should still be able to break out of it 
by invoking the debugger.  An infinite loop that you can't interrupt is 
unacceptable behavior too.


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