[Cuis-dev] unnecessary punctuation

Jaromir Matas mail at jaromir.net
Sat Jun 15 00:59:24 PDT 2024

It finally clicked; rusty brain... sorry for my confusion :)

The correct semantics of
   `cond ifTrue: a ifFalse: b `
is of course evaluate a, then b, then send ifTrue:ifFalse:.

The optimization in case
  `cond ifTrue: [something] ifFalse: [something]`
_doesn't_ change this semantics.

And in case a and b contain blocks it's also true that
   cond ifTrue: a ifFalse: b
evaluates at most one of the blocks despite this _doesn't_ get optimized 
via the bytecode jumps.

So the optimization is applied only when there are square brackets in 
ifTrue:ifFalse: (same for #and: etc). This got me confused, sorry.

An example - bytecode not optimized but indeed the code in b doesn't get 
Duck >> duck

     | a b |
     a := [^2]. b := [self error].
     2 < 3 ifTrue: a ifFalse: b

Many thanks,

On 15-Jun-24 1:33:32 AM, "Martin McClure via Cuis-dev" 
<cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

>On 6/14/24 05:24, Jaromir Matas via Cuis-dev wrote:
>>And back to the original Mark's question (roughly) - why would it be bad to modify the compiler so that
>>`cond ifTrue: a ifFalse: b`
>>is treated the same way as
>>`cond ifTrue: [a] ifFalse: [b]`
>>i.e. optimized using bytecode jumps rather than sending #ifTrue:ifFalse: ?
>This would be a major change to the semantics of Smalltalk.
>Consider that a and b are arbitrary expressions.
>   cond ifTrue: [a] ifFalse: [b]
>evaluates at most one of the expressions, while
>   cond ifTrue: a ifFalse: b
>by Smalltalk evaluation rules evaluates a, then b, then sends ifTrue:ifFalse:.
>Smalltalk has a very simple syntax that relates directly to simple message-sending and assignment semantics. Very easy to understand. Changing the compiler to use bytecode jumps in the latter case would badly undermine this simplicity.
>-- Cuis-dev mailing list
>Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st

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