[Cuis-dev] success with WebClient package

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 18:10:01 PDT 2024

You also have #caseOf: method for stuff like this.

handleDog: aRequest

     "handle an HTTP request based on its method"

     | id parts readId |

     readId := [(aRequest url prefixAndSuffix: $/) last asNumber].

     aRequest method caseOf: {
        ['GET'] -> [ | accept |
              accept := aRequest headerAt: 'Accept'.
              (accept includesSubString: 'application/json') ifTrue: [
                   ^self getDogsAsJson: aRequest].
              (accept includesSubString: 'text/html') ifTrue: [
                   ^self getDogsAsHtml: aRequest]].
        ['POST'] -> [self createDog: aRequest].
        ['DELETE'] -> [self deleteDog: aRequest id: readId value].
        ['PUT'] -> [self updateDog: aRequest id: readId value]

El 17/6/24 a las 19:21, Mariano Montone escribió:
> I would reformat it like this:
> handleDog: aRequest
>     "handle an HTTP request based on its method"
>     | id parts |
>     aRequest method = 'GET' ifTrue: [ | accept |
>         accept := aRequest headerAt: 'Accept'.
>         (accept includesSubString: 'application/json') ifTrue: [
>             ^self getDogsAsJson: aRequest].
>         (accept includesSubString: 'text/html') ifTrue: [
>             ^self getDogsAsHtml: aRequest]].
>     aRequest method = 'POST' ifTrue: [
>         ^self createDog: aRequest].
>     "Get the path parameter value."
>     "TODO: Is this really the best way to do it?"
>     parts := aRequest url prefixAndSuffix: $/.
>     id := parts last asNumber.
>     aRequest method = 'DELETE' ifTrue: [
>         ^self deleteDog: aRequest id: id].
>     aRequest method = 'PUT' ifTrue: [
>         ^self updateDog: aRequest id: id]
> In my opinion, Smalltalk is not very good for this kind of multiple 
> conditions stuff. I know it can be refactored to involve and dispatch 
> using several objects, but sometimes (like in this case) a multiple 
> conditional solution is fine. In some parts I think my code would 
> benefit from having a Lisp/Scheme COND type of language construct. 
> Actually, it is easy to implement, but I don't use it because it is 
> not part of Cuis Core, the multiple returns works for most cases.
>      Mariano
> El 17/6/24 a las 18:20, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev escribió:
>> handleDog: aRequest
>>     "handle an HTTP request based on its method"
>> | id parts |
>> aRequest method = 'GET' ifTrue: [
>> | accept |
>> accept := aRequest headerAt: 'Accept'.
>> (accept includesSubString: 'application/json') ifTrue: [
>> self getDogsAsJson: aRequest.
>> ^nil
>> ].
>> (acceptincludesSubString: 'text/html') ifTrue: [
>> self getDogsAsHtml: aRequest.
>> ^nil
>> ]
>> ].
>> aRequest method = 'POST' ifTrue: [
>> self createDog: aRequest.
>> ^nil
>> ].
>> "Get the path parameter value."
>> "TODO: Is this really the best way to do it?"
>> parts := aRequest url prefixAndSuffix: $/.
>> id := parts last asNumber.
>> aRequest method = 'DELETE' ifTrue: [
>> self deleteDog: aRequest id: id.
>> ^nil
>> ].
>> aRequest method = 'PUT' ifTrue: [
>> self updateDog: aRequest id: id.
>> ^nil
>> ]

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