[Cuis-dev] Errors in ProtcolBrowser

Bernhard Pieber bernhard at pieber.com
Mon May 20 01:31:28 PDT 2024

Hi Juan,

I just stumbled over an error in ProtocolBrowser. It you open a ProtcolBrowser on String the first selector #* (CharacterSequence) is selected. The code pane shows the correct method:
* arg

	self shouldNotImplement.

When you select Object in the class list and again select the first selector #* (CharacterSequence) it shows „error" in the code pane. The same happens when you select ProtoObject.

When you select Collection or SequenceableCollection it shows the implementation of #* in Collection instead of the one in CharaterSequence:
* arg

	^ arg adaptToCollection: self andSend: #*

It seems that simply deleting the method #selectedClassOrMetaClass fixes the problem. However, I am not sure if there isn't any code path where the deleted method would be needed. If not, why was the method overridden in the first place?


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