[Cuis-dev] Re : Re: Packages Held Back

H. Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Thu May 30 21:57:43 PDT 2024

It may just be safer and simple to work with different cloned repository then fetching into the matching packages with appropriate mean (git tagged version or branches).

With each cuis stable release we could have a file with the appropriate tag or name to search in git for compatible package.

I don't know well git to know how this could be done on the must simple efficient way.

Dr. Geo -- http://gnu.org/s/dr-geo

----- ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> a écrit :
> Ah. Does not work.
> The Stable/HeldBack case works as expected, but given the depth-first 
> search the same HeldBack package may be found by a search from the 
> Current/Devel image.
> Sigh.
> -KenD
> ==============================================================
> On 2024-05-30 07:55, ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev wrote:
> > Just an idea..
> > 
> > Given how package requirements are searched, to hold back a package to
> > a given version: Save+add the old version to a directory
> > PackagesHeld<version> in the Cuis<version> repo.
> > 
> > 
> > Example: I find that making changes to 'Morphic-Games-Solitaire' for
> > current (7.1) has broken usage in Cuis6-2 (or Cuis7-0).
> > 
> > [A] I find a previous version which works by checking GIT repo.
> > 
> > [B] I `git add` this old, working version to
> > Cuis6-2/PackagesHeld6-2/Morphic-Games-Solitaire.pck.st
> > and/or
> > Cuis7-0/PackagesHeld7-0/Morphic-Games-Solitaire.pck.st
> > 
> > And then life continues as usual.. I update the required base-version
> > in current/latest, which prevents older, stable images from loading
> > latest package.
> > 
> > The Stable releases search first locally, so they find the "held back"
> > package but Current (7.1) gets the latest from the typical location.
> > 
> > $0.02,
> > -KenD
> -- 
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