[Cuis-dev] TestCase superclass

Benoit St-Jean bstjean at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 19 19:34:55 PST 2024

Make sure #shouldInheritSelectors is a **class** method.

And define it in the class(es) you want to inherit from, NOT in the 

On 2024-11-18 22:01, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev wrote:
> I'm implementing a database ORM and want to test it against three 
> databases, SQLite, Postgres, and MySQL. I created a subclass of 
> TestCase that defines all the test methods. They rely on setting two 
> instance variables that identify the database to use. Then I created 
> three subclasses of that class, one for each database type. I can 
> select those three classes and run all the tests in "SUnit Test 
> Runner". Works great!
> Here's my class hierarchy:
> TestCase
>     DatabaseAbstractTests
>         MySQLTests
>         PostgresTests
>         SQLiteTests
> But then I added a database specific test in each of those subclasses 
> and that broke things. Now when I run those three test classes, they 
> each only run the test method defined directly in them and not the 
> test methods they inherit.
> In my web search I found that this is the expected behavior. But I 
> also read that if I add the method isAbstract in DatabaseAbstractTests 
> to return true AND I define the method shouldInheritSelectors in those 
> subclasses then it will also run the inherited test methods. I did 
> this, but it isn't working. Any suggestions for what I might be doing 
> wrong?
> -- 
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
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