[Cuis-dev] Turning morphs back into source code

Ezequiel Birman ebirman77 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 08:43:42 PST 2024

Another strategy to address Ian's problem could be to record all the
interactions. Emacs macros work like this.

On Sun, 24 Nov 2024 at 16:16, Ezequiel Birman <ebirman77 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hm, do you have any examples? I don’t think you can build anything very
>> useful by manipulation with the mouse without writing code… you can add
>> submorphs to a morph, change colors and sizes, … not much more, I think…
>> nothing like a browser or an inspector. Maybe you should checkout Fabrik,
>> eToys, and other similar ideas.
> As Luciano said, there's not much you can do by direct manipulation, yet.
> One of the suggested ideas for helping Cuis
> <https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/wiki/Helping-Cuis>,
> by Juan and Hilaire is
>> Take the SVG package and turn it into and end user Vector Graphics
>> designer application. Like a baby Inkscape
> We currently lack the means to convert an arbitrary graphic entity, for
> example a letter, into a LetterMorph composed of VectorMorphs, and/or
> StrokeDrawnMorphs, back and forth; and that also opens the door to think
> about morph decomposition into simpler morphs all the way down to
> PixelMorphs, if necessary, and translations into other representations of
> the same entity, for example into something that Dr. Geo and/or Arrows can
> handle. Unlike with languages, these translations are easier coming from
> one direction, and harder from the other; maybe a hint that we'd always
> keep a good model when we need it, and derive from it, rather than the
> other way around.
> On Sun, 24 Nov 2024 at 09:55, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev <
> cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:
>> Hm, do you have any examples? I don’t think you can build anything very
>> useful by manipulation with the mouse without writing code… you can add
>> submorphs to a morph, change colors and sizes, … not much more, I think…
>> nothing like a browser or an inspector. Maybe you should checkout Fabrik,
>> eToys, and other similar ideas.
>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 22:27 Ian Jeffries via Cuis-dev <
>> cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I'm experimenting with turning morphs created via direct manipulation
>>> back into source code and am looking for some tips.
>>> As an example use case: I'm making a world map and would like to put my
>>> house in it. The image will be pretty simple: just three or four
>>> rectangles for the house, a rectangle for the garage, and a few circles to
>>> represent trees. Certainly I could just write this in code, but it seems
>>> like more fun to use the direct manipulation features of Morphic to create
>>> the scene (duplicate, rotate, etc), then serialize that scene to code.
>>> Here's the twist: I'm already familiar with Cuis-UI-Packager
>>> <https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-UI/blob/a56d748ac25fadf3f1910f0666b7ea77bb3df286/tools/UI-Packager.pck.st> which
>>> is very cool, but my goal here is different. I'd like the result to be
>>> source code, not object files, ideally similar to what I would have written
>>> by hand.
>>> First question: is there a term in the Smalltalk community or the
>>> academic literature for this task? Specifically for turning runtime objects
>>> back into idiomatic source code. (I realize this problem probably can't be
>>> solved in the general case since it's such a hard one-- one of the reasons
>>> I'd like to read more about it).
>>> Second question: there isn't already a package for this in Cuis (or even
>>> in Pharo etc)? I wouldn't think so and can't find one by searching, but
>>> wanted to check.
>>> I did find Morphic Designer
>>> <https://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/hirschfeld/trac/SqueakCommunityProjects/wiki/designer>
>>> in Squeak, but that's a little different since you build the morphs in a
>>> specialized app. I'm looking for something that you can target any
>>> supported runtime morph with (though I don't care how small the set of
>>> supported morphs is, any example would be helpful even if it only supported
>>> one or two).
>>> I've got a little demo working for myself which has also given me some
>>> implementation questions, but I'll save those for a later thread.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ian Jeffries
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