[Cuis-dev] Installation of 'AllPackages' failed. 'Could not find code package file for [Firmata].
H. Hirzel
hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 03:12:41 PST 2024
I did a
Feature require: 'AllPackages'
in a workspace
and got a debugger window [1].
Navigating to 'Packages\AllPackages.pck.st' in the 'File List' tool and
hitting the button 'install package'
gave as answer
'Could not find code package file for [Firmata].
Where can I get this package?
[1] requireUnlessIn: toLoad main: mainFeatureOrNil requiringFeature:
requiringFeatureOrNil allRequiringFeatures: chainRequiringMe
"See if all the requirements can be met and answer the load order"
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