[Cuis-dev] Turning morphs back into source code
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Wed Nov 27 19:14:08 PST 2024
Note also ideas in VEO Smalltalk UI:
I don't see the code now, but taking a Morph and opening a Workspace
with it's name as a variable is easy to code.
Note the Morph>>nameForWorkspace code in the attached package (also note
mechanics of creating an instance specific subclass -- might help some
Good on ya,
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis7.1 [latest update: #6843] on 27 November 2024 at 7:07:31 pm'!
'Description An instance of a UI class can get instance specific behavior by adding a subclass of its original class and overriding methods in that subclass. The instance then becomes of that subclass.
This is a test. This is only a test. If this were a real alert you would be dead by now. Use with caution!!'!
!provides: 'InstanceSpecificSubclass' 1 10!
!requires: 'Cuis-Base' 42 2702 nil!
!requires: 'UI-Shapes' 1 45 nil!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #InstanceSpecificSubclass!
!classDefinition: #SubclassUtils category: #InstanceSpecificSubclass!
Object subclass: #SubclassUtils
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'InstanceSpecificSubclass'!
!classDefinition: 'SubclassUtils class' category: #InstanceSpecificSubclass!
SubclassUtils class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!SubclassUtils commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
The basic idea is to add instance specific behaviors to a Morph without paying a cost when unused and only a modest cost when used.
This is done by subclassing the Morph's Class, adding instance specific methods to the subclass, and changing the Morph's class to be the subclass.
The subclass answers true to #isInstanceSpecificSubclass. This allows one to avoid subclassing the subclass when incrementally adding methods.
A finalizer is addid to remove the subclass when the Morph is garbage collected.
"Workspace Example"
"Animator in -- Feature require: #'MorphIt' -- from Cuis-Smalltalk-BabySteps"
testMorph := EllipseMorph initializedInstance. "<Whatever name is dropped>"
testMorph openInHand. "put it down where you can see it"
subclass := SubclassUtils makeInstanceSubclassFor: testMorph.
subclass isInstanceSpecificSubclass.
Morph isInstanceSpecificSubclass.
testMorph class == subclass. "true"
testMorph class allInstances size. "1"
subclass compile: 'addColorCycleAnimator
self setProperty: #animator
toValue: (Animator
actor: self
action: (Animator cycleColors:
{ Color green. Color blue. Color red. Color yellow. }
forSelector: #color:)
stepTime: 300)'.
subclass compile: 'mouseEnter: evt
self valueOfProperty: #animator
ifPresentDo: [:a | a startStepping ]'.
subclass compile: 'mouseLeave: evt
self valueOfProperty: #animator
ifPresentDo: [:a | a stopStepping ]'.
subclass compile: 'handlesMouseOver: evt ^true'.
testMorph addColorCycleAnimator.
"MouseOver cloned ellipse now cycles colors.."!
!SubclassUtils class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'KenD 4/5/2016 10:25'!
SubclassUtils ellipseMouseOverExample.
| testMorph subclass |
testMorph := EllipseMorph initializedInstance.
testMorph openInWorld.
subclass := SubclassUtils makeInstanceSubclassFor: testMorph.
subclass compile:
'mouseEnter: evt
self color: Color red'
classified: 'events'
notifying: nil.
subclass compile:
'mouseLeave: evt
self color: Color yellow'
classified: 'events'
notifying: nil.
subclass compile:
'handlesMouseOver: evt
classified: 'events'
notifying: nil.
testMorph setProperty: #'balloonText' toValue: 'MouseOver makes me Red'.
^testMorph! !
!SubclassUtils class methodsFor: 'transmorgify' stamp: 'KenD 11/27/2024 19:06:33'!
makeInstanceSubclassFor: aMorph
"Create a subclass and answer it"
| subclassName oldClass subclass subclassInst |
subclassName := (aMorph nameForWorkspace, 'Class') capitalized asSymbol.
oldClass := aMorph class.
subclass := oldClass
subclass: subclassName
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: 'MyRegistry'
poolDictionaries: ''
category: oldClass category.
Smalltalk at: subclassName asSymbol put: subclass.
subclass class compile:
classified: '*instancespecific'
notifying: nil.
subclass class compile:
'register: myInstance
MyRegistry := WeakRegistry new.
MyRegistry add: myInstance'
classified: '*instancespecific'
notifying: nil.
subclassInst := subclass newFrom: aMorph.
subclassInst become: aMorph.
subclass compile:
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: ''', subclassName, ''''
classified: 'finalization'
notifying: nil.
aMorph class register: aMorph.
! !
!Class methodsFor: '*instancespecificsubclass' stamp: 'KenD 3/26/2016 15:11'!
^false! !
!Morph methodsFor: '*InstanceSpecificSubclass' stamp: 'KenD 11/27/2024 19:05:22'!
"Answer a name suitable for a Workspace variable"
| displayName |
displayName := self name.
^ displayName
ifNotNil: [ | nameForW |
nameForW := displayName asIdentifier: false.
(nameForW size < 1)
ifTrue: [ self class name asLowercase , self identityHash asString ]
ifFalse: [ nameForW at: 1 put: (nameForW at: 1) asLowercase. nameForW ]
ifNil: [ self class name asLowercase , self identityHash asString ]
! !
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