[Cuis-dev] change set to support background image #cover and #tile options

Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 11:54:42 PDT 2024

To test this from a Workspace:

1) Choose an image file and set filePath to point to it. For example,

    filePath := '/Users/volkmannm/Pictures/images/altitude1600.jpg'.

2) Optionally choose a "background effect" which can be nil (current
stretch behavior), #cover, or #tile. I'm pretty sure this is NOT the way we
want to do this, but I couldn't think of another way without adding an
instance variable to PasteUpMorph. I'm open to suggestions on this.

    Smalltalk at: #backgroundEffect put: #cover.

3) Send #backgroundImageData: to the current WorldMorph. Note that a new
stream must be created every time this is sent.

    stream := filePath asFileEntry readStream.
    self runningWorld backgroundImageData: stream binary

4) Optionally remove the background image.

    self runningWorld backgroundImageData: nil.

All three options are working for me.

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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