[Cuis-dev] change set to support background image #cover and #tile options

Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 07:34:30 PDT 2024

On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 9:18 AM Juan Vuletich <juan at cuis.st> wrote:

> On 10/5/2024 7:24 PM, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Here's an example of using the latest attached change set::
> filePath := '/Users/volkmannm/Pictures/images/altitude1600.jpg'.
> PreferenceSet sysPreferences at: #backgroundEffect put: #tile.
> stream := filePath asFileEntry readStream.
> self runningWorld backgroundImageData: stream binary contentsOfEntireFile.
> You can also set the #backgroundEffect preference to #cover or #stretch.
> Very nice!
> I just integrated it in GitHub. Thanks!

Thanks so much Juan! I documented how to use this in my ever expanding
Smalltalk blog pages. See
and click the table of contents link "Background Image". I'm still hoping
to convert all these blog pages on Smalltalk into a book at some point.

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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