[Cuis-dev] BoxedMorph padding
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Wed Sep 4 14:02:42 PDT 2024
Attached is a fileIn for adding padding to BoxedMorphs.
Padding is really just a property for now -- simulated iVar but no
change to BoxedMorph instance shape.
You can use a morph menu to get an inspector to make visible the
borderWidth and add padding (an integer or point).
Current code should run unchanged.
Updated drawing with padding in:
Note that #minimumExtent: now includes both borderWidth and padding.
The question is: is it worthwhile to add #padding to BoxedMorph, or
should we just add to LayoutMorph?
Anyway, please play around with padding, let me know of breakage, and
are there additional Morphs where drawOn: updates would be useful?
Other features?
Thanks for feedback,
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis7.1 [latest update: #6671] on 4 September 2024 at 12:14:49 pm'!
!BoxedMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 15:04:00'!
"Answer a point"
self flag: #FakeIvar.
^self valueOfProperty: #padding ifAbsentPut: [ 0 @ 0 ]! !
!BoxedMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 11:52:36'!
padding: numberOrPoint
"Save a point"
self flag: #FakeIvar.
self setProperty: #padding
toValue: ((numberOrPoint class = Point)
ifTrue: [numberOrPoint]
ifFalse: [numberOrPoint @ numberOrPoint]).
self redrawNeeded! !
!BoxedMorph methodsFor: 'geometry interior' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 15:24:23'!
"Answer extent inset from borderWidth and Padding"
^self morphExtent - (2 * self borderWidth) - (2 * self padding)! !
!BoxedMorph methodsFor: 'geometry interior' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:14:27'!
"Answer point inset from borderWidth and Padding"
| x y |
x := self borderWidth + self padding x.
y := (self borderWidth + self padding y) negated.
^x @ (y negated)! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 11:50:46'!
padding: numberOrPoint
super padding: numberOrPoint.
self layoutSubmorphs ! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 15:45:58'!
self flag: #deprecated.
^ self padding > (0 @ 0)! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 11:48:55'!
useEdgeSpace: aBoolean
self flag: #deprecated.
ifTrue: [ self padding: (self xSeparation @ self ySeparation) ]
ifFalse: [self padding: (0 at 0)].
self layoutSubmorphs
! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 16:22:52'!
"Return the bounds for laying out children of the receiver"
^ self localBounds insetBy: (borderWidth + self padding)! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 18:40:24'!
layoutSubmorphsHorizontallyIn: boundsForLayout
"Compute a new layout based on the given layout bounds."
| visibleSubmorphs gap gapCount widths widthToAllocate leftOver x height y cache |
"Preconditions: self isRow & morphExtent >= minimumLayoutExtent"
(visibleSubmorphs := self submorphsToLayout reversed "Display Order")
ifEmpty: [ ^ self. "Nothing to layout, besides `sum` below, would fail" ].
gap := self xSeparation.
gapCount := visibleSubmorphs size - 1. "gap between each contained Morph"
widthToAllocate := boundsForLayout width - (gapCount * gap).
cache := IdentityDictionary new.
widths := self widthsFor: visibleSubmorphs within: widthToAllocate minLayoutExtentCache: cache.
leftOver := widthToAllocate - widths sum.
x := boundsForLayout left + (leftOver * self axisEdgeWeight).
visibleSubmorphs with: widths do: [ :sm :smWidth |
height := self offAxisHeightFor: sm within: boundsForLayout height minLayoutExtentCache: cache.
y := self offAxisYOffsetFor: sm within: boundsForLayout height - height.
sm fitInto: (x @ (boundsForLayout top + y) extent: smWidth @ height).
x := x + smWidth + gap.
]! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 18:52:11'!
layoutSubmorphsVerticallyIn: boundsForLayout
"Compute a new layout based on the given layout bounds."
| visibleSubmorphs gap gapCount heights heightToAllocate leftOver y width x cache |
"Preconditions: self isRow & morphExtent >= minimumLayoutExtent"
(visibleSubmorphs := self submorphsToLayout reversed "Display Order")
ifEmpty: [ ^ self. "Nothing to layout, besides `sum` below, would fail" ].
gap := self ySeparation.
gapCount := visibleSubmorphs size - 1. "gap between each contained Morph"
heightToAllocate := boundsForLayout height - (gapCount * gap).
cache := IdentityDictionary new.
heights := self heightsFor: visibleSubmorphs within: heightToAllocate minLayoutExtentCache: cache.
leftOver := heightToAllocate - heights sum.
y := boundsForLayout top + (leftOver * self axisEdgeWeight).
visibleSubmorphs with: heights do: [ :sm :smHeight |
width := self offAxisWidthFor: sm within: boundsForLayout width minLayoutExtentCache: cache.
x := self offAxisXOffsetFor: sm within: boundsForLayout width - width.
sm fitInto: (boundsForLayout left + x @ y extent: width @ smHeight).
y := y + smHeight + gap.
]! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 18:45:27'!
offAxisHeightFor: aMorph within: availableHeight minLayoutExtentCache: cache
"Answer height for a single morph -- offAxis calculation for a Row"
^(availableHeight * aMorph layoutSpec proportionalLayoutHeight)
max: (aMorph minimumLayoutExtent: cache) y.! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 18:45:59'!
offAxisWidthFor: aMorph within: availableWidth minLayoutExtentCache: cache
"Answer width for a single morph -- offAxis calculation for a Column"
^ (availableWidth * aMorph layoutSpec proportionalLayoutWidth)
max: (aMorph minimumLayoutExtent: cache) x.
! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 18:48:57'!
offAxisXOffsetFor: aMorph within: availableWidth
"Answer x offset for a single morph -- offAxis calculation for a Column"
^ availableWidth * aMorph layoutSpec offAxisEdgeWeight. ! !
!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'layout' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 18:48:36'!
offAxisYOffsetFor: aMorph within: availableHeight
"Answer y offset for a single morph -- offAxis calculation for a Row"
^ availableHeight * aMorph layoutSpec offAxisEdgeWeight! !
!LayoutMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 16:00:52'!
"Show 2 cases :1 useEdgeSpace true and 1 false"
" self exampleEdgesColumn "
| withEdge noEdge upSpec downSpec |
withEdge := self newColumn :: padding: (20 @ 20); separation: 20.
noEdge := self newColumn :: padding: (0 @ 0); separation: 20.
upSpec := LayoutSpec keepMorphExtent :: offAxisEdgeWeight: 0.
upSpec proportionalWidth: 0.8 minimum: 100; proportionalHeight: 0.8 minimum: 100.
downSpec := LayoutSpec keepMorphExtent :: offAxisEdgeWeight: 1.
downSpec proportionalWidth: 0.5 minimum: 100; proportionalHeight: 0.5 minimum: 100.
withEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: color: Color blue; layoutSpec: upSpec).
noEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: color: Color blue; layoutSpec: upSpec).
withEdge addMorph: (LabelMorph new :: contents: 'WITH Padding').
noEdge addMorph: (LabelMorph new :: contents: 'withOUT Padding').
withEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: layoutSpec: downSpec).
noEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: layoutSpec: downSpec).
withEdge openInWorld.
noEdge openInWorld.! !
!LayoutMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'KenD 9/3/2024 16:01:46'!
"Show 2 cases: 1 useEdgeSpace true and 1 false"
" self exampleEdgesRow "
| withEdge noEdge upSpec downSpec |
withEdge := self newRow :: padding: (20 @ 20); separation: 20.
noEdge := self newRow :: padding: (0 @ 0); separation: 20.
upSpec := LayoutSpec keepMorphExtent :: offAxisEdgeWeight: 0.
upSpec proportionalWidth: 0.8 minimum: 100; proportionalHeight: 0.8 minimum: 100.
downSpec := LayoutSpec keepMorphExtent :: offAxisEdgeWeight: 1.
downSpec proportionalWidth: 0.5 minimum: 100; proportionalHeight: 0.5 minimum: 100.
withEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: color: Color blue; layoutSpec: upSpec).
noEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: color: Color blue; layoutSpec: upSpec).
withEdge addMorph: (LabelMorph new :: contents: 'WITH Padding').
noEdge addMorph: (LabelMorph new :: contents: 'withOUT Padding').
withEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: layoutSpec: downSpec).
noEdge addMorph: (BoxedMorph new :: layoutSpec: downSpec).
withEdge openInWorld.
noEdge openInWorld.! !
!ImageMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 11:59:08'!
drawOn: aCanvas
aCanvas image: image at: self interiorOrigin.
(borderWidth > 0) ifTrue: [
frameRectangle: (`0 at 0` extent: extent)
color: borderColor
borderWidth: borderWidth
borderStyleSymbol: #simple ]! !
!ImageMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:00:06'!
^image extent + self extentBorder + (2 * self padding)! !
!InnerTextMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:02:24'!
drawOn: aCanvas
"Draw the receiver on a canvas"
false ifTrue: [ self debugDrawLineRectsOn: aCanvas ]. "show line rects for debugging"
drawTextComposition: self textComposition
at: self interiorOrigin
extent: extent
color: color
selectionColor: (Theme current textHighlightFocused: self hasKeyboardFocus).
model actualContents isEmpty ifTrue: [
valueOfProperty: #emptyTextDisplayMessage
ifPresentDo: [ :msg |
drawString: msg
at: self interiorOrigin
font: nil
color: Theme current textEmptyDisplayMessage ]].! !
!LabelMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:03:05'!
drawOn: aCanvas
drawString: (contents ifNil: [ '' ])
at: self interiorOrigin
font: self fontToUse
color: color.
(borderWidth > 0) ifTrue: [
frameRectangle: (`0 at 0` extent: extent)
color: borderColor
borderWidth: borderWidth
borderStyleSymbol: #simple ]! !
!LabelMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:05:18'!
^ self measureContents + (2 * self interiorOrigin)! !
!TextParagraphMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:10:45'!
drawOn: aCanvas
| b |
b := self localBounds insetBy: self interiorOrigin.
fillRectangle: self localBounds color: color.
drawTextComposition: textComposition
at: b topLeft
extent: b extent
color: Theme current text
selectionColor: `Color red`
avoidOverhang: true.
frameRectangle: self localBounds
color: borderColor
borderWidth: borderWidth
borderStyleSymbol: nil! !
!TextParagraphMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'KenD 9/4/2024 12:11:43'!
^3 at 1 * FontFamily defaultLineSpacing ceiling + 2 + (2 * self interiorOrigin)! !
!BoxedMorph reorganize!
('accessing' borderColor borderColor: borderWidth borderWidth: color color: padding padding:)
('initialization' defaultBorderColor defaultBorderWidth defaultColor initialize noBorder)
('drawing' drawOn:)
('geometry interior' interiorExtent interiorOrigin)
('geometry' ensureMinimumExtent extentBorder extentInOwner: extentInWorld extentInWorld: fitInto: fullBoundsInOwner heightInOwner: localBounds localBoundsForError morphBottomLeft morphBottomRight morphExtent morphExtent: morphExtentInOwner: morphExtentInWorld morphExtentInWorld: morphHeight morphHeight: morphHeightInOwner: morphLocalBounds morphPosition:extent: morphTopLeft morphTopRight morphWidth morphWidth: morphWidthInOwner: position:extent: privateExtent: rotationCenter topLeftInOwner widthInOwner:)
('geometry services' coversLocalPoint: coversPixel: includesPixel:)
('geometry testing' hasVariableExtent knowsOwnLocalBounds requiresVectorCanvas submorphsMightProtrude wantsContour)
('layout' minItemWidth)
('layout-properties' layoutSpec)
('testing' is:)
('halos and balloon help' haloShowsCoordinateSystem okayToResizeEasily okayToRotateEasily okayToScaleEasily)
('window like behavior' fullScreen resize:)
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