[Cuis-dev] BoxedMorph padding

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Thu Sep 5 18:28:37 PDT 2024

On 2024-09-05 12:51, Bernhard Pieber wrote:

Ah! Many apologies.  It appears the I had not actually filed out the 
final changeset.

Please apply the attached _after_ filing in 

This should look better!

Thank you for looking carefully at this!

Juan: note that I had to adjust the ImageMorph>>drawOn: form location by 
1 from what I expected.  I believe this differs from the text offset 
usage (e.g. check ImageMorph>>drawOn: vs LabelMorph>>drawOn: Thanks!)  
Am I wrong here?

Thanks again to all,
-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis7.1 [latest update: #6676] on 5 September 2024 at 6:16:24 pm'!

!BoxedMorph methodsFor: 'geometry interior' stamp: 'KenD 9/5/2024 17:49:05'!

	"Answer point inset from borderWidth and Padding"
	| x y |
	x := self borderWidth + self padding x.
	y := (self borderWidth + self padding y) negated.
	^x @ y! !

!BoxedMorph methodsFor: 'geometry interior' stamp: 'KenD 9/5/2024 17:49:26'!

	"Answer point inset from borderWidth and Padding"
	| x y |
	x := self borderWidth + self padding x.
	y := self borderWidth + self padding y.
	^x @ y! !

!LayoutMorph methodsFor: 'geometry' stamp: 'KenD 9/5/2024 18:07:03'!
minimumExtent: cachedValues
	"Answer size sufficient to frame my submorphs."
	| width height mle subs |
	width  := 0.
	height := 0.
	subs := self submorphsToLayout.
	(self direction = #vertical)
		ifTrue: [ "Column"
			subs do: [ :sm |
				mle := sm minimumLayoutExtent: cachedValues.
				"use maximum width across submorphs"
				width := width max: mle x.
				"sum up submorph heights, excluding separation"
				height := height + mle y.
			width := width + (2 * self padding x).
			height := height + (2 * self padding y) + (subs size - 1 * self ySeparation)
		ifFalse: [ "Row"
			subs do: [ :sm |
				mle := sm minimumLayoutExtent: cachedValues.
				"sum up submorphs width"
				width := width + mle x.
				"use maximum height across submorph"
				height := height max: mle y.
			width := width + (2 * self padding x) + (subs size - 1 * self xSeparation). 
			height := height + (2 * self padding y).

	^ (width @ height) + self extentBorder! !

!ImageMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'KenD 9/5/2024 18:15:49'!
drawOn: aCanvas

	self flag: 'Why Origin offset by 1 ??'.
	aCanvas image: image at: self interiorOrigin + 1.
	(borderWidth > 0) ifTrue: [
			frameRectangle:  (`0 at 0` extent: extent)
			color:  borderColor
			borderWidth:  borderWidth 
			borderStyleSymbol:  #simple ]! !

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