[Cuis-dev] starting, stopping, and restarting WebServer

Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 10:53:02 PDT 2024

Here is a very simple use of the WebServer class that can be installed with
Feature require: 'WebClient'. A fileOut containing this code is attached.
The class name is BasicWebServer and it has the single instance variable
It contains only these instance methods.

    server := WebServer new.
    server addService: '/' action: [:req | req send200Response: 'Hello,

    server listenOn: 3000

    server stopListener

I can start the web server with:

server := BasicWebServer new.
server start.

Then I can browse localhost:3000 and see "Hello, World!" in the web browser.

I can stop the web server with:

server stop.

But I cannot start it again unless I restart the VM. Can someone please
explain what else I can do to enable restarting the server without needing
to restart the VM?

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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