[Cuis-dev] location of windows opened from World menu

Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 16:56:10 PST 2025

When a window is opened from the World menu "Open" submenu, it seems to
appear in a random location. I know it's not really random, but it is often
far from the point where I clicked to open the World menu. Personally I
would prefer it if the upper-left corner of the new window was where I

I've arrived at a way to make this happen. I described the approach in this
blog page:
Click the last link in the table of contents which is "Window Locations".
This involves modifying one method in the WorldMorph class and one
method in the SystemWindow class.

I'm curious about two things:

1) Does anyone else think this would be a better way to position new
windows? Maybe there could be a new preference that enables this behavior.
2) Is there a better way to achieve this than my approach?

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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