[Cuis-dev] Drag event

Hilaire Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Sat Feb 8 07:38:22 PST 2025

So far in the image, I observed the following properties attached to 
Morph (Hierarchy list morph..):

#dragSource, #dropSelectorArgument, #acceptDragSource, #allowMorphDrop, 
#dropActionSelector, #dragEvent:localPosition:

In Metaproperties packages, there are different properties as: 
#wantsDroppedMorph:event: and #dropAction

The issue with properties is you can't write comment about what it is.

So its seems each user in need of drag and drop reinvent a protocol.

Should I come with my own set of properties, or may be method 
extensions. I will continue exploring the image.

Le 08/02/2025 à 16:25, Hilaire Fernandes a écrit :
> The drag and drop in Cuis does not look rationalized, each user seems 
> to implement its own stuff with specific properties. Trying to 
> understand...

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