[Cuis-dev] background color of LayoutMorphs in a SystemWindow
Mark Volkmann
r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Sat Feb 8 12:39:45 PST 2025
Currently, as far as I understand, it is not possible to set the background
color of a LayoutMorph that is inside a SystemWindow. For example, evaluate
the following in a Workspace:
window := SystemWindow new.
column := window layoutMorph.
column color: Color pink.
column addMorph: (LabelMorph contents: 'foo').
column addMorph: (LabelMorph contents: 'bar').
window openInWorld.
The background color of column will be white (or maybe transparent)
despite the attempt to change it to pink.
The attached change set provides a way to opt-in to changing the colors of
LayoutMorphs inside a SystemWindow. After creating a SystemWindow, add this
window canColorLayouts: true.
Now column will have a background color of pink. Perhaps there is a better
name than canColorLayouts:.
Credit to Mariano Montone for pointing me toward this solution!
R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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