[Cuis-dev] background color of LayoutMorphs in a SystemWindow

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Sun Feb 9 15:14:49 PST 2025

On 2025-02-09 05:57, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev wrote:

> Indeed. Nevertheless, I am not really sure about the whole widget 
> colour scheme. Ken or Juan POV?
> Le 09/02/2025 à 13:08, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev a écrit :
>> This does raise the question ... Why do we need to tell a LayoutMorph 
>> that if we set its color, we don't want that to be ignored? Shouldn't 
>> it honor the color we set on it by default?


The problem is that SystemWindow>>openInWorld reset things.

window := SystemWindow new.
column := window layoutMorph.
column addMorph: (LabelMorph contents: 'foo').
column addMorph: (LabelMorph contents: 'bar').
window openInWorld.
column color: Color pink. "Moving the #color setter to after 
#openInWorld works"

You can change the default for all SystemWindows via change to a Theme 
   Theme current widgetsColorFromToolColor

This is one reason I rarely use SystemWindows.

Juan?  Care to comment?


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