[Cuis-dev] WindowManager package

Luciano Notarfrancesco luchiano at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 02:20:58 PST 2025

It seems several of us have already implemented different versions of the
“window manager” thing to replace some of the default behavior of windows,
do tiling, create or change global keyboard shortcuts, implement virtual
pages or screens, etc. I made my own tiling window manager just as I like
it, and I disable the taskbar and use something else instead (a small
widget to show in which page you are, and which pages have opened windows).

I think, perhaps, at some point we could have some object grouping together
these things, with a default in the base image (like Themes), and packages
could implement different ways of managing windows. I have a
WindowManagerMorph class
receives messages when windows are opened or closed (and could do window
positioning ), and receives keystroke events (possibly handling them before
any other morph, in order to implement global shortcuts). I think these
three messages are the main “hooks” I needed to add, perhaps other people
need others. Opinions?


On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 02:41 Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> Checkout my WindowManager package at
> https://github.com/mvolkmann/Cuis-Smalltalk-WindowManager. This addresses
> two issues. The first is where windows are opened. The second is the
> ability to save and restore window locations and sizes. The README explains
> all of this and there is a link to a video at the bottom of the README that
> demonstrates all the features.
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> --
> Cuis-dev mailing list
> Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st
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