[Cuis-dev] TAble Layout
H. Hirzel
hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 02:34:46 PST 2025
Hi Hilaire
On 13/02/2025 8:51 am, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> It is likely not as feature complete as the Squeak TableMoprh but it
> fills my need for now.
I actually prefer it this way. A solution which is less complex and easy
to use. I think in Squeak a Squeak morph which uses a TableLayout
LayoutPolicy is a misnomer.
It only acts as a table if you have submorphs of fixed width and pay
attention how you add them in regards to the total width of the morph.
In fact does a flow layout.
> Can be observed in action toward the end of this video
> https://mamot.fr/@drgeo/113995472843136374
Amazing demo what is now possible in terms of editing/annotating in your
Dynabook application.
I assume you use the FlowLayoutMorph in the flap you open at the end.
> May be FlowMorph will be a nice name, while FlowLayoutMoprh might be a
> more precise name, I found it a bit too long.
There are many morph classes which have longer names.
If I search for a class and give as class name fragment 'Layout' it will
appear in the choices together with LayoutAdjustingMorph, LayoutMorph
and LayoutSpec.
So Layout related classes will be easily found. So I suggest to go for
the name 'FlowLayoutMorph'.
I did an example which mimics table layout behavior as all the item
morphs are of the same size
self example1b
| table cells |
table := self new openInWorld.
cells := OrderedCollection new.
30 timesRepeat: [ |cellContent cellContentExtent cell |
cellContentExtent := (15 to: 80) atRandom asPoint.
cellContent := (ColoredBoxMorph new ::
morphExtent: cellContentExtent; color: Color random).
cell := (LayoutMorph newRow :: morphExtent: 100 at 100;
color: Color lightGray; layoutSpec: LayoutSpec
cell addMorph: cellContent
layoutSpec: (LayoutSpec fixedExtent: cellContentExtent).
cell axisEdgeWeight: #center.
cells add: cell].
table cells: cells
But I guess this is not what you meant when you wrote earlier in the thread
"Should be easy to add quite easily vertical alignment preferences."
But my suggestion is to keep this current morph as a FlowLayoutMorph as
is and for a table with aligned columns go for another Layout morph type
and call that TableLayoutMorph.
A TableLayoutMorph which lets you define the column widths.
> Hilaire
> Le 12/02/2025 à 21:06, H. Hirzel a écrit :
>> I think none of them. Above I wrote it is like the Squeak TableMorph
>> LayoutManager which I maintain.
>> I think it is rather like the Java FlowLayout
>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/flow.html
>> So maybe FlowLayoutMorph?
>> --Hannes
> --
> http://mamot.fr/@drgeo
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