[Cuis-dev] UK Smalltalk User Group meeting: Richard Ronteltap - SmallJS - 26 February 2025

UK Smalltalk info at uksmalltalk.org
Tue Feb 25 16:10:48 PST 2025

For our February 2025 presentation, Richard Ronteltap will present his
SmallJS project.

SmallJS ( https://small-js.org/Home/Home.html ) is a free and open source
implementation of the elegant and powerful Smalltalk-80 (ST) language. It
compiles to JavaScript (JS) that runs in modern browsers or in Node.js.
SmallJS is file based, not image based, so you can develop in your favorite
IDE. The default setup is for Visual Studio Code, with ST syntax coloring
and step debugging! You code separately from the SmallJS base libraries
(image) and only the parts you use are imported automatically when running
your app.
SmallJS is fully object oriented, so customizable on every level. For
usability, ST class and method names are kept mostly equal to their
familiar JS counterparts. JS libraries already encapsulated in ST are:

    Browsers: Document, Window, HTML elements, events, CSS, streams.
    Node.js: HTTP server, Express, 4 databases, files.

SmallJS is mostly intended for use by JS devs that want a nicer language to
work in.
But it can also be used by existing ST devs that are willing to learn a new
ST framework that can directly run in browsers and can seamlessly access
the powerful Node.js ecosystem, without the need for bridges between
overlapping frameworks.

Richard ( https://github.com/FunctionPoint ) studied Computer Science at
the University of Amsterdam (UvA), where he used used Smalltalk-80 to write
a query optimizer for a prototype OODBMS. He currently works in IT /
Software Management within the IT department of the UvA.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( https://www.meetup.com/ukstug/events/305761370/ ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!
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