[Cuis-dev] Gatekeeper example from "Discovering Smalltalk"
Mark Volkmann
r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 11:56:13 PST 2025
I recently read the book "Discovering Smalltalk". I know it's quite dated
and it's based on Smalltalk/V instead of Smalltalk-80, but I still learned
a lot from it.
I implement the Gatekeeper example described on pages 428-430 in Cuis. It
demonstrates using the becomes: method to track all messages sent to a
given object. I got it working, but I had to make a small modification to
the ProtoObject instance method becomes:. I'm wondering if my change would
break other uses of this method.
I replaced the line
selfMethod = otherObjectMethod ifFalse: [
selfMethod ~= nil and:
[otherObjectMethod ~= nil] and:
[selfMethod ~= otherObjectMethod] :: ifTrue: [
Here's my working Gatekeeper code where I renamed that class to
Object subclass: #HistoryProxy
instanceVariableNames: 'history object'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Demo'
"class method"
on: anObject
^ self new on: anObject
"instance method"
on: anObject
history := OrderedCollection new.
object := anObject shallowCopy.
anObject become: self
"instance method"
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
"Record the message and reroute it to the object."
history add: aMessage.
^ aMessage sendTo: object.
"instance method"
| result |
"Extract information before mutating because it won't be available
result := history.
self become: object.
^ result.
Here's an example of using this:
date := Date today.
HistoryProxy on: date.
date monthName print.
date dayOfWeekName print.
date year print.
history := date restoreAndProvideHistory.
history print "an OrderedCollection(monthName dayOfWeekName year)"
R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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