[Cuis-dev] layoutSubmorphs vs. redrawNeeded

Szabolcs Komáromi cuis at mnqpr.com
Thu Aug 3 11:55:58 PDT 2023


Today I read trough the Layout Tour <https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Learning-Cuis/blob/master/LayoutTour.md> from the Learning-Cuis repository. (Meanwhile I created new screenshots for the tutorial and Ken already merged my pull request.) And also watched Nicolas's video tutorial on Youtube. (How to compose morphs in layouts in Cuis Smalltalk <https://youtu.be/ibP_qYYi6eU?t=580>)  My experience and you can see in the video also that sometimes the layout morph doesn't align its submorphs if proportionalHeight:/proportionalWidth:/offAxisEdgeWeight: are changed. Nicola uses the halo's resize button to nudge the layout to do its job. But what is the right message to do this programmatically?

The redrawNeeded message is not enough. The LayoutSpecEditPanel from the Layout Tour uses the layoutSubmorphs message alongside redrawNeeded in the updateMasterFromCopy method.
> myLayoutMorph layoutSubmorphs; redrawNeeded

What is the difference between the two method?

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