[Cuis-dev] layoutSubmorphs vs. redrawNeeded

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Fri Aug 4 08:19:29 PDT 2023

I think the attached does the right thing (immediate update).

Needs review and more testing.

Busy now, gotta go.

Good on ya,

On 2023-08-03 11:55, Szabolcs Komáromi via Cuis-dev wrote:

> Hi,
> Today I read trough the Layout Tour from the Learning-Cuis repository. 
> (Meanwhile I created new screenshots for the tutorial and Ken already 
> merged my pull request.) And also watched Nicolas's video tutorial on 
> Youtube. (How to compose morphs in layouts in Cuis Smalltalk)  My 
> experience and you can see in the video also that sometimes the layout 
> morph doesn't align its submorphs if 
> proportionalHeight:/proportionalWidth:/offAxisEdgeWeight: are changed. 
> Nicola uses the halo's resize button to nudge the layout to do its job. 
> But what is the right message to do this programmatically?
> The redrawNeeded message is not enough. The LayoutSpecEditPanel from 
> the Layout Tour uses the layoutSubmorphs message alongside redrawNeeded 
> in the updateMasterFromCopy method.
>> myLayoutMorph layoutSubmorphs; redrawNeeded
> What is the difference between the two method?
> Regards,
> Szabolcs
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