[Cuis-dev] Code Browser usage

Phil B pbpublist at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 19:52:04 PDT 2019

Having ported my fair share of packages, I feed your pain on this.  I'm at
least in favor of something like this.  I've always wanted a more
comprehensive diff capability in CodeFileBrowserWindow and/or
ChangeListWindow. (i.e. a toggle where you could alternate between an 'All'
view which would be the default and show everything as it currently does
and a 'Diff' view (not on a per method/entry basis, but more global in the
panes) which would only show classes/categories/methods that are
different/added/removed.)  I keep telling myself that someday I'll get
around to it but as I haven't had to port anything recently it hasn't
happened yet.  So yeah, +1 to what you've done.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 10:35 AM ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> Greetings all,
> I have been viewing code in the Code File Browser lately, looking at
> differences in the FFI between Cuis and Pharo.
> I find that stepping through large chunks of Smalltalk code which has
> overlap with that already in Cuis, many mathods are identical and it is
> easy to miss methods which have changed of been added.
> I attached text changes which help me notice differences, the UI
> guideline being that things which _are_ different should _look_
> different.
> I would be happy to see this solution -- or something like it -- in
> Cuis.
> Can you help me out?  I keep doing this to each image I use.
> Thanks much,
> -KenD--
> Cuis-dev mailing list
> Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st
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