[Cuis-dev] Add delete action extension to PluggableListMorph

Josef Philip Bernhart philip.bernhart at posteo.de
Fri Aug 16 09:01:33 PDT 2019


I made an extension to pluggable list to support the common behaviour of 
triggering a delete action
(e.g delete the currently selected item), when backspace or delete key 
is pressed.
  In addition to that I added a comment to #isBackspace and added 
#isDelete to the keyboard event.

I added that, because I'm currently playing around with a "database 
browser" and wanted to provide
the user besides a context menu also keyboard bindings for deleting an 
entry in the list.

By default the PluggableList flashes, as it's currently the case as this 
is triggered by the lists
keyboard based "search" functionality which calls flash to flash the 
morph, when no search
result could be found.

Thanks for your time,
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