[Cuis-dev] 'Color green inspect' bug

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Wed May 15 15:59:29 PDT 2019

Seems to be either a CPU or a VM problem.  Either way, it is probably 
limited to my environment.

self printString. " '(Color r: 0.000 g: 0.000 b: 0.000)' "

self red printString. " '0.00260417761484177' "

| s |
s := ReadWriteStream on: '12345678901234567890'.
self red printOn: s fractionDigits: 3.
s inspect. "--> '0.000' "

Looks like I may need to brush up on gdb (ugh!).


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