[Cuis-dev] [FIX] fence-post error in ChangeList

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Thu Dec 3 11:23:08 PST 2020

Hi all, Hi Juan,

there is a fence-post error in

Please find a fix in the file attached.

HTH and Best Regards,

-------------- next part --------------
'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4484] on 3 December 2020 at 8:14:04 pm'!

!ChangeList methodsFor: 'scanning' stamp: 'KLG 12/3/2020 20:05:53'!
	"Scan anything that involves more than one chunk"

	| itemPosition item tokens firstToken secondToken |

	itemPosition _ file position.
	item _ file nextChunk.

	(self itemIsRecognized: item) ifFalse: [
		"Maybe a preamble, but not one we recognize; bail out with the preamble trick"
		^ self scanAndIgnore: item in: itemPosition ].

	tokens _ Scanner new scanTokens: item.
	tokens size >= 2 ifTrue: [
		firstToken _ tokens first.
		secondToken _ tokens second.

		firstToken == #classDefinition:
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanClassDefinition: tokens ].
		(firstToken == #classRemoval: or: [ firstToken == #classMoveToSomePackage: ])
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanClassRemoval: tokens ].
		(firstToken == #methodRemoval: or: [ firstToken == #methodMoveToSomePackage: ])
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanMethodRemoval: tokens ].
		(secondToken == #methodsFor: or: [ 
			tokens size > 2 and: [			tokens third == #methodsFor: ] ])
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanMethodDefinition: tokens ].
		secondToken == #commentStamp:
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanClassComment: tokens ].
		firstToken == #provides:
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanFeatureProvision: tokens ].
		firstToken == #requires:
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanFeatureRequirement: tokens ].
		firstToken == #classRenamed:
			ifTrue: [ ^ self scanClassRenamed: tokens ].
		]! !

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