[Cuis-dev] Math symbols and greek letters

Luciano Notarfrancesco luchiano at gmail.com
Thu May 21 02:22:09 PDT 2020

This change set improves support for some mathematical symbols and letters.

Greek letters and mathematical double struck (blackboard bold) letters can
be used just as ordinary letters, they work as variable names or in unary
or keyword selectors. Personally, I use greek letters as temporary
variables sometimes, and double struck letters as globals for the ring of
rational integers, the field of rational numbers, etc.

The change set also includes most of the extra binary operators we had
before (I just made some tweaks there).

And I also include a method in SmalltalkEditor that allows entering
otherwise untypable characters, following (mostly) LaTeX conventions. For
example, in a workspace or a browser you can type '\alpha _ (\Z \oplus \Z)
atRandom', and it automatically replaces '\alpha' with the letter alpha and
'\Z' with the double struck Z used in mathematics to represent the ring of
rational integers, and '\oplus' with the direct sum symbol. If you type
'\alpha' nothing happens, then if you type one more character and it is not
a letter it recognizes '\alpha' and makes the replacement.

If you want to try the change set, remember to do 'Character initialize'
and 'Scanner initialize' after loading it (in that order), and make sure
you're using the new TrueType fonts (I'm using DejaVu Sans, others don't
seem to include glyphs for all the symbols).
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