[Cuis-dev] Slang for Cuis (WIP, experimental)

Luciano Notarfrancesco luchiano at gmail.com
Sat May 30 22:14:36 PDT 2020

About the interpreterProxy, it looks like there’s a subset of slang that’s
good enough for a lot of applications and might not really need
interpreterProxy. I don’t remember all that it is used for, but thinking
about MiscPrimitivePlugin and FloatArrayPlugin, all they do is receive
arrays (of floats, bytes, it would be nice to also have float64, int32 and
int64) and read/write stuff from/to them. They never deal with the object
memory, they don’t instantiate objects, they don’t even access instance
variables. This subset is all I need for my use case, and I’m guessing is
also all that would be needed for a vector graphics plugin and many other

On Sun, 31 May 2020 at 4:25 AM, Philip Bernhart via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> Hi David,
> "David T. Lewis via Cuis-dev" <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> writes:
> > Don't believe everything you read on vm-dev ;-)
> > If you are interested in writing your own primitives for just about
> > any reason at all, then named primitives are exactly what you want.
> Ok, if you say so. But why should I believe you? :-)
> > Regarding stand-along slang generation, as a point of comparison you
> > may want to take a look at the interactive "slang browsing" in the
> > traditional VMMaker. This is set up to attempt C code translation for
> > any instance-side method in any class (not just the VM classes).
> I don't know what you want to say with that. If just as a feature to
> compare code between old and "new", then it's interesting and cool.
> Still... there is the problem of how to sustainable co-evolve against
> the same VM interface. For example which implementation of the
> interpreterProxy should be serialized? I would need some answers
> around that whole massive topic, before starting to implement
> a Cuis Slang PluginMaker.
> Anyway the feature inspired me to implement that for Cuis Slang:
> https://github.com/Phantasus/Cuis-Smalltalk-Slang/blob/master/Journal.md#30th-may-2020-jpb
> Thanks,
> Philip
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