[Cuis-dev] [ChangeSet] Performance improvements for Shout in Workspaces

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Sun Nov 15 16:06:03 PST 2020

Hi Folks,

It has recently brought to my attention that doing printIt in a Workspace of

Array streamContents: [ :s | 5000 timesRepeat: [s nextPut: 100 atRandom 
@ 100 atRandom ]].

takes several seconds, but if you disable Shout (Window menu, disable 
'syntax highlighting') makes it instant. There are several reasons for this:
- After doing text layout, the workspace text morph realizes contents 
large, and a scroll bar is required. This takes off some pixels at the 
right side, so there is less space for text. This requires doing text 
layout again.
- Then, after doing shout, as some text might have become bold or 
italic, changing the font metrics, and possibly what text fits in a 
line, text layout is done again!
- Due to a couple of bugs, text layout might be done even once or twice 

The numbered attachments make it way faster, besides simplifying and 
cleaning the code. Please test and review them.

Additionally #printIt in attach printIt-limitedTo*.cs.st is an 
experiment that by limiting the printed result to 10,000 characters, it 
makes the example instantaneous even for an array a hundred of times 
larger. I think it is a good idea to include it, but if you see an use 
case for such large printStrings, please tell.


Juan Vuletich

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