[Cuis-dev] FileOutRework and personal introduction.

Mauro Rizzi mrizzi at fi.uba.ar
Wed Nov 18 14:45:02 PST 2020

Hello Hilaire,

The FileOutRework package doesn't contain that code.

Were you by any chance looking at the FileOutUtility repository?

I used the FileOutUtility class to make a model of how fileOut should
behave normally, the fileOut rework replaces that class and package

If you look at the FileOutUtility.pk.st file you'll see in the last line I
inserted the line:
     *Smalltalk at: #FileOutHelper put: FileOutUtility new!*

The package manager will happily run any correctly formatted collaborations
you add to the end of a file. This was mostly a hack to be able to share
the class quickly with classmates since the FileOutUtility implementation
required a global instance of FileOutUtility called FileOutHelper to

If you installed that package in your image you should remove it and use
the FileOutRework package that directly modifies system class and objects
and avoids that entirely.

You can remove the FileOutHelper global object from your Smalltalk
directory by printing:
    *  Smalltalk removeKey: FileOutHelper*
In any workplace.

I will be removing the reference to the FileOutUtility repo from the
repository description and readme to avoid this.

If, on the other hand, you found a reference to FileOutHelper on the
FileOutRework.pk.st package please let me know where so I can look into it
since it shouldn't exist.

Thanks for taking the time to check it out!.

*Mauro Rizzi*

El mié., 18 nov. 2020 a las 18:37, Hilaire Fernandes (hilaire at drgeo.eu)

> Hi,
> Thanks for the extension.
> I tested on ubuntu with a recent Cuis, it works fine!
> Excuse my naive question, I browse a bit the code and I saw the
> FileOutHelper global variable. I know it comes from the SystemDictionary
> but I don't understand how Cuis get from 'FileOutHelper' to 'Smalltalk
> at: #FileOutHelper', even there Smalltalk is a gobal.
> --
> GNU Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu
> https://pouet.chapril.org/@hilaire
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 12:46 PM Mauro Rizzi via Cuis-dev <
> cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:
>> Hello everybody!
>> My name is Mauro Rizzi and i'm currently studying Computer Engineering in
>> the Engineering Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires.
>> We're using cuisUniversity as an environment for one of our classes and I
>> found current fileOut implementations to be counter productive to a good
>> git workflow. The current idea of having fileOut always fileOut to image
>> path means you either have to have your repository on your image folder or
>> you have to manually move the file to your local repository folder.
>> This is not conductive to making frequent commits but rather it results
>> in us just doing a single giant commit at the end of the session.
>> Because of this I set out to make a package that would streamline the
>> user experience allowing for cuis to remember the last destination you
>> filed out to and adding the option for the user to directly specify a new
>> destination.
>> You can find the package in my FileOutRework repository.
>> <https://github.com/Mauro-Rizzi/FileOutRework>
>> I've just started with this rework but I was encouraged by my teacher to
>> share it with you, so far I've only implemented this behaviour for the
>> Category list context submenus for the System browser.
>> I'm open to any comments, criticisms or requests for collaboration.
>> Hope you all have a nice week!
>> Kind regards.
>> *Mauro Rizzi*
>> --
>> Cuis-dev mailing list
>> Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st
>> https://lists.cuis.st/mailman/listinfo/cuis-dev
> --
> *Hernán WilkinsonAgile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching*
> *Phone: +54-011*-4893-2057
> *Twitter: @HernanWilkinson*
> *site: http://www.10Pines.com <http://www.10pines.com/>*
> Address: Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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