[Cuis-dev] Vector icons?
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Sat Apr 24 07:58:22 PDT 2021
On 2021-04-24 12:39, Bernhard Pieber via Cuis-dev wrote:
Are there any examples of vector icons in some package? What ist the
general idea, will we be using SVG or lower level graphics
Just the code..
Feature require: 'SVG'.
Feature require: 'Morphic-Misc1'.
"In a FileList
fileIn <wherever>/SVGImagePallet.st
SVGIconsPk := (ContentPack new loadContentFrom: '/<where-ever>/SVGIcons'
asDirectoryEntry ).
SVGIconsPk size.
SVGImagePallet fromDictionary: SVGIconsPk imageExtent: 32 at 32.
"This last will open an icon picker. Slow; get a cup of coffee"
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