[Cuis-dev] I can't find new methods added by Juan ??!??

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Mon Aug 9 03:38:33 PDT 2021

On 8/9/21 12:23 PM, Nicola Mingotti via Cuis-dev wrote:
> On 8/9/21 11:55 AM, Gerald Klix wrote:
>> On 8/9/21 11:44 AM, Nicola Mingotti via Cuis-dev wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> this might be a very silly mistake i am doing but I don't understand 
>>> where I am doing it wrong.
>>> 1. I just downloaded last version of Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev
>>> $> git clone https://github.com/Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev.git
>>> 2. In the logs I see the new method i wish to try:
>>> $> git diff 5e7abb20a298e8579b8d9731722f3e9159c2de21~ 
>>> 5e7abb20a298e8579b8d9731722f3e9159c2de21
>>> ----
>>> +!Utilities class methodsFor: 'identification' stamp: 'NM 8/7/2021 
>>> 15:12:44'!
>>> +setAuthorName: aStringName initials: aStringInitials
>>> ----
>>> 3. I open Cuis in the most direct way, forget all my scripts
>>> ./sqcogspur64linuxht/squeak ./Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis5.0-4738.image
>>> 4. I check image release
>>> Smalltalk imageName .
>>> " '/home/p/prog/smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis5.0-4738.image' "
>>> 5. I open the Browser under Utilities class and look for
>>> "setAuthorName: " and i don't find it. ?? I am puzzled.
>> Of course not ;»]
>> You did everything correctly, but forgot one step.
>> This core update file contains your change
>> 4740-SetAuthorProgramatically-NicolaMingotti-2021Aug07-15h12m-NM.001.cs.st 
>> Its numerical prefix (4740) correspondents with the Cuis
>> version number in your image file name Cuis5.0-<vsersion>.image
>> You have to do 'World->Changes->Install New Updates'
>> You can verify the image version with
>> World->Help->Abot this system ...
>> (Don't forget to save your image under a new name)
>> HTH,
>> Gerald
> Ohhh, I see, I did not know this !
> I state some points I just learnt  which  might be useful for other 
> beginners ;)
> 1. Not all changes Juan makes to the Core system are immediately 
> reflected into the image
> 2. The changes are in the directory Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/CoreUpdates
Yes. Pull the repo every time you start to setup a new image.
> 3. The changes have numbers, when the change number is larger then the 
> Image number it means
No, My understanding is that the change number is exactly the same
as the image number. But some image version only materialize in
Juan's development environment, because he has the habit
of posting core updates in bunches.
> the change is not incorporated yet
> 4. You can always see your image number with World -> Help -> About this 
> system
> 5. You can incorporate updates newer than the image doing World -> 
> Changes -> Install new updates.
> 6. This is a change to the image, if you want to make it permanent save 
> the image with a proper name.
Yes. Alas there is now automatic name generation.
One might be tempted to say 'Save new Cuis release',
but this does something different. Don't use it!
> Thank you a lot Gerald !
You are welcome!

On might add (hopefully anticipating your next question):
If you install your current working environment from a script
`ChangeSet installNewUpdates` might be useful, somewhere at
the beginning of your script.
> bye
> Nicola

Best Regards,


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