[Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Make #isIncludedInTaskbar a property

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Tue Aug 10 10:17:46 PDT 2021

On 8/10/2021 11:59 AM, Gerald Klix via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi Juan,
> Yep, I see your point, much simpler.
> OTH I was just getting used to that feature and did not add
> all pinned menus to the taskbar. I also contemplated
>   - about adding a taskbar button
>     to pinned menus, right of the their close button.
>   - about adding "show in taskbar" item SystemWindow's control menu.
>   - adding a preference for menus being included in the taskbar
> Maybe I convert this change to a package.

Yes. For the base image, the simple criteria "non transient morphs go to 
the taskbar" is enough.

> BTW: There is another minor glitch in the Taskbar.
> If you change the font size it does not adjust it's
> size, it just changes the clock font.
> Taskbar>>#defaultHeight depends on the window title font,
> but Taskbar>>#fontPreferenceChanged sets only
> the clock's font to nil.
> I think this way it does it's job
> (Ignoring my own rant about comments):
> --- snip ---
> fontPreferenceChanged
>     clock font: nil.
>     self scale: self scale
> --- snap ---
> Best Regards,
> Gerald

Thanks. Just pushed this fix to GitHub.


Juan Vuletich

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